Biggs Family
Columbia, MD
Jackson was born on October 10, 2001. On October 11, 2001, we had a team of doctors in our hospital room picking Jackson apart, looking for markers that would identify a syndrome that could explain Jackson’s uniqueness. He was born in a ball, right arm and left leg tightly tucked into his belly. He was born with complete cleft palette, contractures in his neck, fingers, elbows, and knees. He also had rocker bottom feet. However, the feet somehow self corrected. A blood test confirmed that he had trisomy 21. They did a skin biopsy and didn’t find it there. Eventually, his blood replaced itself and the trisomy 21 disappeared. By Jackson’s first birthday, he developed scoliosis. Each visit, the scoliosis progressed more severely. His first set of rods was for the lower lumbar region of his spin. In 2007, Dr. Sponseller (Johns Hopkins) put in growing rods. Our little ball of energy has snapped the rods twice. He is getting a new set put in on January 12, 2011. We are hoping that these last longer. Jackson also has plates in both knees that help straighten his knees as he grows.
Jackson is a very positive person, an inspiration to many. He embraces life and lets nothing get in his way.
Please feel free to email me to chat about our little darlings.
Shannon, John, and Jackson Biggs